Energetic Body Works

Energetic Body Works is the passion project of Amanda Williams, a physical therapist who operates in and around the Houston area. Being a relative of my creative director at Bluberry Creative, Christian Madison, Amanda knew about what our company did and decided around May of 2022 that her business needed a fresh logo and a brand facelift.
Graphic Designer – Bluberry Creative
Logo Design // Identity Design

A Holistic Approach to Design

Amanda’s practice relies heavily on a holistic approach towards physical therapy using a combination of massage therapy, meditation, and various types of energy work. So during the design process, I made it my mission to find the most natural feeling design to fit the essence of Amanda’s business.
Originally the sketches leaned heavily towards windmills and ferris wheels. This was because Amanda was fond of their imagery and how it reflected the way she saw how her patients’ journey through holistic therapy. However, that approach felt clumsy and unnatural; the complete opposite of what I was trying to achieve.
My second approach started with a bunch of sketches of starfish people in fluid positions. I drew them running, jumping, and stretching without pain or a care in the world. After some early refinements, it became clear that this little guy was precisely what Amanda’s brand and her patients needed.

Final Logo Suite

The final logo suite consisted of a logo mark, with logotypes for horizontal, vertical, square, and wide layout applications. Additionally, the suite had inverted options for each of the various logo marks and logotype layouts.

Light Color Palette

Dark Color Palette

Gradient Logo Marks – Light Backgrounds

A handful of colors were chosen for gradient varients only available to the logo marks. This was to give them some variety for potential future merch or printed materials.

Gradient Logo Marks – Dark Backgrounds